Processing JSON data with JMESPath Part 1 - Basic Expressions and Projections

Image credit: Unsplash

JMESPath has made the processing of complex JSON objects a tad bit easier. A JSON document is deconstructed using simple yet very powerful expressions. The witers of JMESPath claim it is an ABNF grammar with a complete specification.

To follow this illustration, you can play around with these expressions on the playground provided on the library’s home page.

Basic Expressions

Accessing Nested Objects (Sub-expressions)

Using this object;



to access values in the first nesting level, we just need to call the desired data’s key as follows


which gives us

  "level_two_key1": "level_two_value1",
  "level_two_key2": "level_two_value2"

For values in the second nesting, we just call them using the combine level one and two keys as follows;


and get:


If you use a key that does not exist, the result will be:


Accessing Objects using Indices

To access the members of an array, indexing can be used. For example, to get "b" from:


, use:




and so on.

Slicing Array Objects using Indices

Using the array from previous example,



    "a": "b"

Wildcard Expressions - List and Slice Projections

A wildcard expression projects the values of a JSON object belonging to a value to a list array. For example; Given:

  "items": [
    {"id": "3", "colour": "blue"},
    {"id": "4", "colour": "purple"},
    {"id": "5", "colour": "peach"},
    {"colour": "green"}
  "towns": {"name": "Thika"}

we can project all members of "items" to a list array as follows;


to get:

    "id": "3",
    "colour": "blue"
    "id": "4",
    "colour": "purple"
    "id": "5",
    "colour": "peach"
    "colour": "green"

Note that if "items" was nested as a value, like:

  "items": [
    {"id": "3", "colour": "blue"},
    {"id": "4", "colour": "purple"},
    {"id": "5", "colour": "peach"},
    {"colour": "green"}
  "towns": {"name": "Thika"}

then the same projection as above should be achieved as follows;


We can limit the resultant list to just IDs as follows data.items[*].id or colours like data.items[*].colour.

Note what happens to the last record of "items" when .id is replaced with .colour.

The list can be sliced as desired like data.items[0:2].colour. Note that the slicing happens first.


This section covers the basics and projections of JSON data using JMESPath.

Part 2 goes into detail about filtering.

Ian Njari
Ian Njari
Software Engineer

My interests include Data Engineering, AI in Consumer Technology and MLOps
